“The Brand New Testament” to close Two Riversides

The myth of creation is going to be revised. The 9th edition of the Two Riversides festival will be concluded with “The Brand New Testament” by Jaco Van Dormael.

God living with a wife and daughter in Brussels? Only in the crazy reality of Jaco Van Dormael. In his latest film, the Belgian director tells the story of the divine family, where the Almighty differs considerably from the image created in the Bible. God is lazy, spends all day glued to the TV screen, and his leisure time is nagging on his wife and daughter. His life goal? To make people’s lives miserable.

Van Dormael’s revisionist satire was screened at the main competition in Cannes, where it met with favourable reviews by critics. Journalist approved of Van Dormael’s boldness with which he talks about Christianity in times of political correctness. His absurdist humour was compared to that presented years ago by the British group Monty Python.

Now Polish viewers will also be able to watch “The Brand New Testament” – the screening of Jaco Van Dormael’s film will accompany the closing gala of Two Riversides, which will take place on August 8th.

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© Festiwal Filmu i Sztuki Dwa Brzegi Kazimierz Dolny Janowiec nad Wisłą
Projekt i realizacja: Tomasz Żewłakow